Covenant Knights


Debunking the Biggest Scientific Misconception

The more we know, the more we find out that we don’t know
That’s pretty much Naturalism in a nutshell.
The crazy part?
Despite their model failing over and over again, they keep pushing it on us.
Harder and harder…
Now, scientists from the past were actually way closer to the truth.
How so? Don’t we have better tech and tools today?
Well, let’s find out.

When Scripture meets Science

You know what’s funny?
Despite all those new evidences, the Bible remains unchallenged.
In fact, they all end up backing it up!

Truth is, many scientists of the past have made a case for supernatural in the creation of the Universe.

And it didn’t prevent them from being big contributors to technological advancement at all!
Take Isaac Newton for example.
For those who don’t know, he is the one who discovered and helped establish the law of gravity.
You know what he said?
“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” In the “Principia Mathematica.”
What about Johannes Kepler, the father of the laws of planetary motion?
“The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.”
And here is Francis Bacon, the father of Empiricism.
“A little science estranges a man from God; a lot of science brings him back.”
And Max Planck.
“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”
Let’s end it with Werner Heisenberg for all the Breaking Bad fans out there.
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you.”
Now, were those guys stupid?
Uneducated? Bigots?
If we trust the World, yes.
In spite of everything they did to lay the foundation for most scientific invention we enjoy.

The Young Earth Creationism Consensus

What is creationism?
Well, it’s a belief that the universe and life originated from divine creation.
It opposes the naturalistic worldview, which claims everything came to be through natural processes like evolution.
The most common forms of creationism are based on the book of Genesis in the Bible.
Now there are many different movements here:
Young Earth Creationism
This view holds that the Earth is relatively young,
Typically, about 6,000 to 10,000 years old, based on a literal interpretation of the Bible.
Proponents of this view usually reject not only biological evolution and but most naturalistic principles that push an older earth narrative.
Old Earth Creationism
Adherents of this view accept some modern theories about the age of the Earth and the universe but reject biological evolution.
They may believe in a form of “progressive creationism,” where God created life in stages over a period of millions of years, or in “theistic evolution,” where God guided the evolutionary process.
Intelligent Design
This is a more recent form of creationism that argues for the existence of an intelligent designer based on perceived complexities in biological organisms and the universe.
It does not necessarily specify the identity of the designer.
Gap Creationism
This form posits a long gap of time between the first two verses of Genesis, allowing for a much older Earth.
In this view, the six-day creation period occurred more recently and involved a re-creation or restoration following a catastrophic event.
Day-Age Creationism
This interpretation holds that the six days of creation in Genesis are not literal 24-hour days but rather much longer periods (ages).
Now I know, that’s a lot!
But which one came up first?
It was Young Earth Creationism.
Truth is most of the other movements actually came AFTER the rise of naturalism.
Kind of as a way to make the intervention of God coexist with a model that tried its best to reject Him.

Naturalism vs Creationism

Now let’s break down the main difference between these 2 models.
Age of the Universe and Earth
YEC: Believes the Earth and universe were created by God and are approximately 6,000 to 10,000 years old.
Naturalism: Relies on “time” to explain creation and suggests an Earth that is about 4.5 billion years old and a universe approximately 13.8 billion years old.
Origin of Life and Species
YEC: Holds that all species were created in their present form by a divine act, rejecting the theory of evolution.

Naturalism: Explains the diversity of life through the theory of evolution, where all species “evolved” from a single-cell organism.

YEC: Relies on scripture backed up by scientific discoveries to explain the natural world.
Naturalism: Relies solely on natural phenomena to explain the natural world.
Geological and Biological Evidence
YEC: Explains geological formations and fossil records as events like the biblical flood, rather than gradual processes over millions of years.
Naturalism: Claims the formation of geological and biological features through natural processes such as plate tectonics, erosion, evolution, and ecological dynamics over extensive time periods.
Philosophical and Religious Underpinnings
YEC: Grounded in a biblical worldview that emphasizes an intelligent designer in the natural world.
Naturalism: Rejects intelligent design and believes natural processes can explain all phenomena.
Origin of Life and Species
YEC: Holds that all species were created in their present form by a divine act, rejecting the theory of evolution.
Naturalism: Explains the diversity of life through the theory of evolution, where all species “evolved” from a single-cell organism.
So, what do we got?
Basically, man’s word vs God’s.
For Christians, we shouldn’t think twice.
But, hey. There’s nothing wrong with looking for answers, right?
Let’s check how the creationism model holds against modern evidences, shall we?

Does Science Contradict the Bible?

Wait that’s it?
Well, let me show you how evidence actually back it up.
The Universe expension
In 1920 Edward Hubble looked at the universe and thought it was expanding.
This was confirmed by Isaiah 40.22, thousands of years ago.
Modern understanding of Astronomy
Job 26.7, 26.10, 38.32, and Isaiah 40.22 confirm our current understanding of it.
Geological Formation
Creationists tell us that certain geological features, such as the Great Unconformity, a massive surface of erosion visible worldwide, are best explained by a global flood.
They suggest that these formations were created rapidly during the receding phase of the Flood, rather than over millions of years.
Check for more details Genesis 6.
Origin of Fossils
The discovery of fossils in what are interpreted as flood deposits, such as dinosaurs and other creatures, is seen as evidence of rapid burial during the Flood.
For example, the presence of dinosaur fossils in marine rocks is cited as evidence of these animals being washed out to sea by floodwaters.
Modern findings do not negate this theory.
Tectonic activities
The identification of large slabs of oceanic lithosphere beneath continents and the rapid subduction of tectonic plates are viewed as remnants of the Flood’s impact on Earth’s geology.
This perspective suggests that the current state of Earth’s geology is a result of the Flood rather than slow geological processes.
Again, no modern evidence disproves this theory.
Paleontological Finding
The sudden appearance of flowering plants and other life forms in the fossil record,
Often at specific geological boundaries, is interpreted as consistent with a post-Flood model.
These findings are viewed as incompatible with the gradual processes suggested by conventional evolutionary theory.
Drainage Patterns and Ice Age
Creationists propose that the unique drainage patterns observed in various regions,
And the evidence of only one Ice Age, are better explained by a post-Flood scenario.
They argue that these patterns were formed rapidly as floodwaters receded,
And the Ice Age was a direct result of the unique conditions created by the Flood.
So, we have the same evidence but completely different interpretations.
On one hand, the Naturalistic model keeps getting revised and adjusted.
On the other, the Bible remains unchanged and unfazed by today’s findings.

What to believe?

If you’re a staunch atheist who rejects God with all your heart.
It’s okay, I get it.
I hope you have fun digging in your kitchen, helplessly looking for gold.
Good Luck! if you ever get tired, don’t hesitate to swing by.
Now if you’re a believer or genuinely looking for the truth.
Should you:
Be a good sheep and believe in a model that keeps getting changed OVER and OVER, every time a new scientific evidence is found?
Or trust a thousand-year-old model that hasn’t been proven wrong even ONCE, and is actually reinforced by new findings?
For me, it’s pretty clear.
But if it isn’t, here are some quick questions for you:
Can something come out of nothing?
Can a video game create itself with enough time?
What about a chair?
Because if you believe in Naturalism, that’s pretty much what you believe…
- Seek more knowledge -

Are you ready to challenge your belief?

One religion, one government, One culture.

Who is behind this Satanic Agenda? 

How did the World become so spiritual?

Join our covenant

And March Down With Us On the Battlefield

The more we know, the more we find out that we don’t know
That’s pretty much Naturalism in a nutshell.
The crazy part?
Despite their model failing over and over again, they keep pushing it on us.
Harder and harder…
Now, scientists from the past were actually way closer to the truth.
How so? Don’t we have better tech and tools today?
Well, let’s find out.

When Scripture meets Science

You know what’s funny?
Despite all those new evidences, the Bible remains unchallenged.
In fact, they all end up backing it up!
Truth is, many scientists of the past have made a case for supernatural in the creation of the Universe
And it didn’t prevent them from being big contributors to technological advancement at all!
Take Isaac Newton for example.
For those who don’t know, he is the one who discovered and helped establish the law of gravity.
You know what he said?
“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” In the “Principia Mathematica.”
What about Johannes Kepler, the father of the laws of planetary motion?
“The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.”
And here is Francis Bacon, the father of Empiricism.
“A little science estranges a man from God; a lot of science brings him back.”
And Max Planck.
“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”
Let’s end it with Werner Heisenberg for all the Breaking Bad fans out there.
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you.”
Now, were those guys stupid?
Uneducated? Bigots?
If we trust the World, yes.
In spite of everything they did to lay the foundation for most scientific invention we enjoy.

The Young Earth Creationism Consensus

What is creationism?
Well, it’s a belief that the universe and life originated from divine creation.
It opposes the naturalistic worldview, which claims everything came to be through natural processes like evolution.
The most common forms of creationism are based on the book of Genesis in the Bible.
Now there are many different movements here:
Young Earth Creationism
This view holds that the Earth is relatively young,
Typically, about 6,000 to 10,000 years old, based on a literal interpretation of the Bible.
Proponents of this view usually reject not only biological evolution and but most naturalistic principles that push an older earth narrative.
Old Earth Creationism
Adherents of this view accept some modern theories about the age of the Earth and the universe but reject biological evolution.
They may believe in a form of “progressive creationism,” where God created life in stages over a period of millions of years, or in “theistic evolution,” where God guided the evolutionary process.
Intelligent Design
This is a more recent form of creationism that argues for the existence of an intelligent designer based on perceived complexities in biological organisms and the universe.
It does not necessarily specify the identity of the designer.
Gap Creationism
This form posits a long gap of time between the first two verses of Genesis, allowing for a much older Earth.
In this view, the six-day creation period occurred more recently and involved a re-creation or restoration following a catastrophic event.
Day-Age Creationism
This interpretation holds that the six days of creation in Genesis are not literal 24-hour days but rather much longer periods (ages).
Now I know, that’s a lot!
But which one came up first?
It was Young Earth Creationism.
Truth is most of the other movements actually came AFTER the rise of naturalism.
Kind of as a way to make the intervention of God coexist with a model that tried its best to reject Him.

Naturalism vs Creationism.

Now let’s break down the main difference between these 2 models.
Age of the Universe and Earth
YEC: Believes the Earth and universe were created by God and are approximately 6,000 to 10,000 years old.
Naturalism: Relies on “time” to explain creation and suggests an Earth that is about 4.5 billion years old and a universe approximately 13.8 billion years old.
Origin of Life and Species
YEC: Holds that all species were created in their present form by a divine act, rejecting the theory of evolution.
Naturalism: Explains the diversity of life through the theory of evolution, where all species “evolved” from a single-cell organism.
Origin of Life and Species
YEC: Holds that all species were created in their present form by a divine act, rejecting the theory of evolution.
Naturalism: Explains the diversity of life through the theory of evolution, where all species “evolved” from a single-cell organism.
YEC: Relies on scripture backed up by scientific discoveries to explain the natural world.
Naturalism: Relies solely on natural phenomena to explain the natural world.
Geological and Biological Evidence
YEC: Explains geological formations and fossil records as events like the biblical flood, rather than gradual processes over millions of years.
Naturalism: Claims the formation of geological and biological features through natural processes such as plate tectonics, erosion, evolution, and ecological dynamics over extensive time periods.
Philosophical and Religious Underpinnings
YEC: Grounded in a biblical worldview that emphasizes an intelligent designer in the natural world.
Naturalism: Rejects intelligent design and believes natural processes can explain all phenomena.
So, what do we got?
Basically, man’s word vs God’s.
For Christians, we shouldn’t think twice.
But, hey. There’s nothing wrong with looking for answers, right?
Let’s check how the creationism model holds against modern evidences, shall we?

Does Science Contradict the Bible?

Wait that’s it?
Well, let me show you how evidence actually back it up.
The Universe expension
In 1920 Edward Hubble looked at the universe and thought it was expanding.
This was confirmed by Isaiah 40.22, thousands of years ago.
Modern understanding of Astronomy
Job 26.7, 26.10, 38.32, and Isaiah 40.22 confirm our current understanding of it.
Geological Formation
Creationists tell us that certain geological features, such as the Great Unconformity, a massive surface of erosion visible worldwide, are best explained by a global flood.
They suggest that these formations were created rapidly during the receding phase of the Flood, rather than over millions of years.
Check for more details Genesis 6.
Origin of Fossils
The discovery of fossils in what are interpreted as flood deposits, such as dinosaurs and other creatures, is seen as evidence of rapid burial during the Flood.
For example, the presence of dinosaur fossils in marine rocks is cited as evidence of these animals being washed out to sea by floodwaters.
Modern findings do not negate this theory.
Tectonic activities
The identification of large slabs of oceanic lithosphere beneath continents and the rapid subduction of tectonic plates are viewed as remnants of the Flood’s impact on Earth’s geology.
This perspective suggests that the current state of Earth’s geology is a result of the Flood rather than slow geological processes.
Again, no modern evidence disproves this theory.
Drainage Patterns and Ice Age
Creationists propose that the unique drainage patterns observed in various regions, and the evidence of only one Ice Age, are better explained by a post-Flood scenario.
They argue that these patterns were formed rapidly as floodwaters receded, and the Ice Age was a direct result of the unique conditions created by the Flood.
So, we have the same evidence but completely different interpretations.
On one hand, the Naturalistic model keeps getting revised and adjusted.
On the other, the Bible remains unchanged and unfazed by today’s findings.
Paleontological Finding

The sudden appearance of flowering plants and other life forms in the fossil record,

Often at specific geological boundaries, is interpreted as consistent with a post-Flood model.
These findings are viewed as incompatible with the gradual processes suggested by conventional evolutionary theory.
Drainage Patterns and Ice Age
Creationists propose that the unique drainage patterns observed in various regions, and the evidence of only one Ice Age, are better explained by a post-Flood scenario.
They argue that these patterns were formed rapidly as floodwaters receded, and the Ice Age was a direct result of the unique conditions created by the Flood.
So, we have the same evidence but completely different interpretations.
On one hand, the Naturalistic model keeps getting revised and adjusted.
On the other, the Bible remains unchanged and unfazed by today’s findings.

What to believe?

If you’re a staunch atheist who rejects God with all your heart.
It’s okay, I get it.
I hope you have fun digging in your kitchen, helplessly looking for gold.
Good Luck! if you ever get tired, don’t hesitate to swing by.
Now if you’re a believer or genuinely looking for the truth.
Should you:
Be a good sheep and believe in a model that keeps getting changed OVER and OVER, every time a new scientific evidence is found?
Or trust a thousand-year-old model that hasn’t been proven wrong even ONCE, and is actually reinforced by new findings?
For me, it’s pretty clear.
But if it isn’t, here are some quick questions for you:
Can something come out of nothing?
Can a video game create itself with enough time?
What about a chair?
Because if you believe in Naturalism, that’s pretty much what you believe…
- Seek more knowledge -
Are you ready to challenge your belief?
One religion, one government, One culture.

Who is behind this Satanic Agenda?

How did the World become so spiritual?
Join our covenant

And March Down With Us On the Battlefield

The more we know, the more we find out that we don’t know
That’s pretty much Naturalism in a nutshell.
The crazy part?
Despite their model failing over and over again, they keep pushing it on us.
Harder and harder…
Now, scientists from the past were actually way closer to the truth.
How so? Don’t we have better tech and tools today?
Well, let’s find out.

When Scripture meets Science

You know what’s funny?
Despite all those new evidences, the Bible remains unchallenged.
In fact, they all end up backing it up!
Truth is, many scientists of the past have made a case for supernatural in the creation of the Universe – And it didn’t prevent them from being big contributors to technological advancement at all!
Take Isaac Newton for example.
For those who don’t know, he is the one who discovered and helped establish the law of gravity.
You know what he said?
“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” In the “Principia Mathematica.”
What about Johannes Kepler, the father of the laws of planetary motion?
“The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.”
And here is Francis Bacon, the father of Empiricism.
“A little science estranges a man from God; a lot of science brings him back.”
And Max Planck.
“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”
Let’s end it with Werner Heisenberg for all the Breaking Bad fans out there.
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you.”
Now, were those guys stupid?
Uneducated? Bigots?
If we trust the World, yes.
In spite of everything they did to lay the foundation for most scientific invention we enjoy.

The Young Earth Creationism Consensus

What is creationism?
Well, it’s a belief that the universe and life originated from divine creation.
It opposes the naturalistic worldview, which claims everything came to be through natural processes like evolution.
The most common forms of creationism are based on the book of Genesis in the Bible.
Now there are many different movements here:
Young Earth Creationism
This view holds that the Earth is relatively young,
Typically, about 6,000 to 10,000 years old, based on a literal interpretation of the Bible.
Proponents of this view usually reject not only biological evolution and but most naturalistic principles that push an older earth narrative.
Old Earth Creationism
Adherents of this view accept some modern theories about the age of the Earth and the universe but reject biological evolution.
They may believe in a form of “progressive creationism,” where God created life in stages over a period of millions of years, or in “theistic evolution,” where God guided the evolutionary process.
Intelligent Design
This is a more recent form of creationism that argues for the existence of an intelligent designer based on perceived complexities in biological organisms and the universe.
It does not necessarily specify the identity of the designer.
Gap Creationism
This form posits a long gap of time between the first two verses of Genesis, allowing for a much older Earth.
In this view, the six-day creation period occurred more recently and involved a re-creation or restoration following a catastrophic event.
Day-Age Creationism
This interpretation holds that the six days of creation in Genesis are not literal 24-hour days but rather much longer periods (ages).
Now I know, that’s a lot!
But which one came up first?
It was Young Earth Creationism.
Truth is most of the other movements actually came AFTER the rise of naturalism.
Kind of as a way to make the intervention of God coexist with a model that tried its best to reject Him.

Naturalism vs Creationism

Now let’s break down the main difference between these 2 models.
Age of the Universe and Earth
YEC: Believes the Earth and universe were created by God and are approximately 6,000 to 10,000 years old.
Naturalism: Relies on “time” to explain creation and suggests an Earth that is about 4.5 billion years old and a universe approximately 13.8 billion years old.
Origin of Life and Species
YEC: Holds that all species were created in their present form by a divine act, rejecting the theory of evolution.
Naturalism: Explains the diversity of life through the theory of evolution, where all species “evolved” from a single-cell organism.
YEC: Relies on scripture backed up by scientific discoveries to explain the natural world.
Naturalism: Relies solely on natural phenomena to explain the natural world.
Geological and Biological Evidence
YEC: Explains geological formations and fossil records as events like the biblical flood, rather than gradual processes over millions of years.
Naturalism: Claims the formation of geological and biological features through natural processes such as plate tectonics, erosion, evolution, and ecological dynamics over extensive time periods.
Philosophical and Religious Underpinnings
YEC: Grounded in a biblical worldview that emphasizes an intelligent designer in the natural world.
Naturalism: Rejects intelligent design and believes natural processes can explain all phenomena.
So, what do we got?
Basically, man’s word vs God’s.
For Christians, we shouldn’t think twice.
But, hey. There’s nothing wrong with looking for answers, right?
Let’s check how the creationism model holds against modern evidences, shall we?

Does Science Contradict the Bible?

Wait that’s it?
Well, let me show you how evidence actually back it up.
The Universe expansion
In 1920 Edward Hubble looked at the universe and thought it was expanding
This was confirmed by Isaiah 40.22, thousands of years ago.
Modern understanding of Astronomy
Job 26.7, 26.10, 38.32, and Isaiah 40.22 confirm our current understanding of it.
Geological Formation
Creationists tell us that certain geological features, such as the Great Unconformity, a massive surface of erosion visible worldwide, are best explained by a global flood.
They suggest that these formations were created rapidly during the receding phase of the Flood, rather than over millions of years.
Check for more details Genesis 6.
Origin of Fossils
The discovery of fossils in what are interpreted as flood deposits, such as dinosaurs and other creatures, is seen as evidence of rapid burial during the Flood.
For example, the presence of dinosaur fossils in marine rocks is cited as evidence of these animals being washed out to sea by floodwaters.
Modern findings do not negate this theory.
Tectonic activities
The identification of large slabs of oceanic lithosphere beneath continents and the rapid subduction of tectonic plates are viewed as remnants of the Flood’s impact on Earth’s geology.
This perspective suggests that the current state of Earth’s geology is a result of the Flood rather than slow geological processes.
Again, no modern evidence disproves this theory.
Paleontological Finding
The sudden appearance of flowering plants and other life forms in the fossil record, often at specific geological boundaries, is interpreted as consistent with a post-Flood model.
These findings are viewed as incompatible with the gradual processes suggested by conventional evolutionary theory.
Drainage Patterns and Ice Age
Creationists propose that the unique drainage patterns observed in various regions, and the evidence of only one Ice Age, are better explained by a post-Flood scenario.
They argue that these patterns were formed rapidly as floodwaters receded, and the Ice Age was a direct result of the unique conditions created by the Flood.
So, we have the same evidence but completely different interpretations.
On one hand, the Naturalistic model keeps getting revised and adjusted.
On the other, the Bible remains unchanged and unfazed by today’s findings.

What to believe?

If you’re a staunch atheist who rejects God with all your heart.
It’s okay, I get it.
I hope you have fun digging in your kitchen, helplessly looking for gold.
Good Luck! if you ever get tired, don’t hesitate to swing by.
Now if you’re a believer or genuinely looking for the truth.
Should you:
Be a good sheep and believe in a model that keeps getting changed OVER and OVER, every time a new scientific evidence is found?
Or trust a thousand-year-old model that hasn’t been proven wrong even ONCE, and is actually reinforced by new findings?
For me, it’s pretty clear.
But if it isn’t, here are some quick questions for you:
Can something come out of nothing?
Can a video game create itself with enough time?
What about a chair?
Because if you believe in Naturalism, that’s pretty much what you believe…
- Seek more knowledge -
Seek more knowledge


Catholic Priest, Jewish Rabbi, and Muslim Imam praying
Are we talking about divine revelation? Or merely following the earthly desires of men?
Let’s rip off the veil and uncover what lies behind modern religions.
Are you ready to challenge your belief?


Classy women wearing a black trench coat with soldier on her left and right in a military building
One religion, one government, One culture.
The Rulers of this World are clearly aiming to uniformize everything.
Are they doing what’s best for us? Or leading us to eternal damnation?


Devil dressed as a handsome man wearing a suit in the middle of a crowd of liberal and LGBT+ activist
What is a woman? That’s today’s biggest mystery.
Not surprising when most folks gorge on anti-depressant, eat bugs and start identifying as lawnmowers…
How far as humanity fallen? And who is behind this satanic agenda?


Demonic occultist witch reading a text in her sanctuary lit with red flames
Atheism is growing today.
While practices like Yoga, Reiki and Astrology are more popular than before.
But where did they come from?
And how did the World become so spiritual?
Join our covenant

And March Down With Us On the Battlefield