Debunking the Biggest Scientific Misconception
The World is about 13 billion years old, and our ancestors were basically tree-hugging, banana-eating primates.
Sounds legit, right?
Well, that’s pretty much the script they’ve been handing to us, neatly packaged, tied with a bow, and labeled as “The Truth” since we were kids.
But hang on, are we dealing with hard facts here, or a bunch of made-up theories backing up each other?
I mean… If this narrative was really as “bulletproof” as they want us to believe, why on earth do they need to revise our textbooks every 10 years or so?
Could it be possible that there’s something else out here – A perspective or model that:
Pretty crazy, right?
Especially when we see how hard the World is trying to hide it from us.
Now, before we deep dive into the rabbit hole, let’s step back and take a moment to understand how science truly works.
Observation vs Origin Science
As you’ve just read, we can split science into 2 categories.
Observation Science.
That’s the one you are most familiar with.
It involves gathering both qualitative and quantitative data, analyzing this data to formulate hypotheses, and then further observing to test these hypotheses.
In plain English, we observe stuff, gain knowledge from it, and test what we learn.
Sure, it has its limitations, like the inability to definitively establish cause-and-effect relationships or the potential for observational bias.
But without it, you wouldn’t be reading this on your screen or fly coast to coast.
Origin Science.
This one is tricky. Why, you ask?

Cause it’s basically “guess work”. Here’s why.
Origin science is all about understanding the origins and history of the universe, Earth, life, and natural phenomena.
The problem?
You can’t observe the past… Sure we can dig up a few fossils or rocks here and there.
But we can’t really know what really happened, so we have to make speculations and come up with “theories”.
So, what about the Big Bang and Evolution theories?
Yup, you’re 100% right, it’s origin science.
But are they any other theories? And if yes, why is it not being taught to us?
Let’s see what the world wants us to believe before we lift up that veil.

What does the World Tell us
Here is a quick summary of what they want us to believe:
Big Bang theory
This is the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe today.
Age of the Solar System
Age of the Earth
You’ve probably already guessed that all of this is based on origin science.

The Big Bang and the formation of the Earth cannot be directly observed or experimentally reproduced.
Instead, techniques like radiometric dating and the study of cosmic radiation are used (we will how reliable they are later on)
Why is this so important for them?
Simple, they built their entire framework (model) upon it.
Look, the Big Bang theory is basically the foundation that support theories of biological, geological, and cosmological evolution due to its foundational role in explaining the origin and development of the universe.
In short, remove the model and you can basically throw everything they teach us about evolution out of the window.
But when did they come up with it?
What was their goal?
And more importantly is there an alternative to it?
Naturalism and the Big Bang Origin
Before we move on, we must understand that most modern scientist have a naturalistic approach to science
What does it mean?
Everything arises from natural properties and cause, everything supernatural or spiritual is discarded.
This is very important has it is the cornerstone of most modern scientist today.
Now back to the big bang, here is a quick timeline:
1927 – Georges Lemaître proposes the theory of an expanding universe and suggests that the universe began as a single primordial atom.
1929 – Edwin Hubble observes that galaxies are moving away from Earth, suggesting that the universe is expanding. This leads to Hubble’s Law.
1940 – George Gamow and his collaborators, Ralph Alpher and Robert Herman, predict the existence of background radiation as a remnant of the early universe.
1964 – Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discover the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. This discovery is initially seen as a significant confirmation of the predictions made by Gamow’s team.
1965: The detailed analysis of the CMB is published, leading to increased acceptance of the Big Bang Theory, though with continued debates and refinements.

1990s: Further observations and measurements, such as the distribution of galaxies and the abundance of light elements, are made. These findings necessitate refinements in the Big Bang model, adjusting parameters to align with the observed data.
2001: The Boomerang and WMAP experiments provide more detailed measurements of the CMB. These data lead to adjustments in the Big Bang model.
2009: The Planck satellite yields even more precise measurements of the CMB. The Planck data leads to further refinements of the Big Bang model, particularly in the understanding of the universe’s early moments and its overall composition.
21st Century: Ongoing observations and studies, continue to provide data that lead to ongoing refinements and adjustments in the Big Bang Theory. These include understanding the role of dark matter, dark energy, and the rate of the universe’s expansion.
Did you catch up the trend?
The more they learn about the universe, the more they have to “refine” and “adjust” their model to work with new data.
Isn’t that strange? Considering how faulty models are usually discarded in science.
So why not here?
Are they truly looking for the truth, or just doing anything they can to make their theory work?
Let’s find out why.

Humanism, Atheism and the rise of Modern Science
Remember Naturalism?
Well, before that, people didn’t see science and supernatural belief as opposing forces.
No, no, not at all.
While some ancient philosophers like Aristotle believed in an eternal universe, the Western world largely started to adopt a more biblical viewpoint with the spread of Christianity.
People believed the Universe was relatively young, based on biblical chronologies instead.
We call this Creationism.
And other cultures around the globe also had a similar viewpoint based on their religious belief.
So, what happened?
Hello Renaissance and Enlightenment!

With it, some folks wanted the world to become more Humanistic.
A stance attaching more importance to human beings than a divine one.
How did it affect science?
Well, back in 1795, the “Theory of Earth” challenged the commonly accepted timeframe of the Earth, suggesting a more “gradual and ongoing” process.
Not long after, between 1830-1833, Charles Lyell published the “Principles of Geology”. The goal? “Free science from Moses,” in his own words.
20 years later, another Charles, called Darwin this time, released his “On the Origin of Species” in 1859.
Where he introduced his “Theory of evolution,” which would give an explanation for the diversity of life independent from Divine Intervention.
At first, these views were not particularly that popular.
But society changed, people started to move away from God and slowly but surely this new doctrine became engraved in society.

But society changed, people started to move away from God and slowly but surely this new doctrine became engraved in society.
As you can see, they wanted to take God out of science. How did they do it?
By swapping Him with TIME of course!
The Big Bang theory, the age of the Earth theory, Evolution theory, all these theories works on the basis that TIME allows a gradual and natural process.
Remove TIME and they all go down the drain.
Now, if you look at modern scientific processes – God and Divine intervention are completely out of it.
Leaving men as the sole arbiter of morality and truth.
No wonder some of the very same scientist begin to claim that we got more than 72+ genders…
Now who should we trust?
God and his Word, or men?
Now, I know – That’s some pretty big claims we’ve been making.
You’re probably wondering if we’ve been straight up lying to your face, or if everything you’ve been told is a joke.
Don’t worry friend, we’ve got a second part coming for you.
In it, we will show you how Observation science completely debunk everything the World has been telling you about our origin and that of the Universe.
Ready for the truth?
- Seek more knowledge -
Join our covenant
And March Down With Us On the Battlefield
The World is about 13 billion years old, and our ancestors were basically tree-hugging, banana-eating primates.
Sounds legit, right?
Well, that’s pretty much the script they’ve been handing to us, neatly packaged, tied with a bow, and labeled as “The Truth” since we were kids.
But hang on, are we dealing with hard facts here, or a bunch of made-up theories backing up each other?
I mean… If this narrative was really as “bulletproof” as they want us to believe, why on earth do they need to revise our textbooks every 10 years or so?
Could it be possible that there’s something else out here – A perspective or model that:
Pretty crazy, right?
Especially when we see how hard the World is trying to hide it from us.
Now, before we deep dive into the rabbit hole, let’s step back and take a moment to understand how science truly works.
Observation vs Origin Science

As you’ve just read, we can split science into 2 categories.
Observation Science.
That’s the one you are most familiar with.
It involves gathering both qualitative and quantitative data, analyzing this data to formulate hypotheses, and then further observing to test these hypotheses.
In plain English, we observe stuff, gain knowledge from it, and test what we learn.
Sure, it has its limitations, like the inability to definitively establish cause-and-effect relationships or the potential for observational bias.
But without it, you wouldn’t be reading this on your screen or fly coast to coast.

Origin Science.
This one is tricky. Why, you ask?
Cause it’s basically “guess work”. Here’s why.
Origin science is all about understanding the origins and history of the universe, Earth, life, and natural phenomena.
The problem?
You can’t observe the past… Sure we can dig up a few fossils or rocks here and there.
But we can’t really know what really happened, so we have to make speculations and come up with “theories”.
So, what about the Big Bang and Evolution theories?
Yup, you’re 100% right, it’s origin science.
But are they any other theories? And if yes, why is it not being taught to us?
Let’s see what the world wants us to believe before we lift up that veil.
What does the World Tell us

Here is a quick summary of what they want us to believe:
Big Bang theory
The universe began as an extremely hot and dense point approximately 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.
This is the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe today.
Age of the Solar System
Based on radiometric dating of meteorites, as well as rocks from Earth and the Moon, the Solar System is estimated to be about 4.6 billion years old.
Age of the Earth
Using the same method mentioned above, the Earth is estimated to be about 4.54 billion years old.
You’ve probably already guessed that all of this is based on origin science.

The Big Bang and the formation of the Earth cannot be directly observed or experimentally reproduced.
Instead, techniques like radiometric dating and the study of cosmic radiation are used (we will how reliable they are later on)
Why is this so important for them?
Simple, they built their entire framework (model) upon it.
Look, the Big Bang theory is basically the foundation that support theories of biological, geological, and cosmological evolution due to its foundational role in explaining the origin and development of the universe.
In short, remove the model and you can basically throw everything they teach us about evolution out of the window.
But when did they come up with it?
What was their goal?
And more importantly is there an alternative to it?
Big Bang Origin and Naturalism

Before we move on, we must understand that most modern scientist have a naturalistic approach to science
What does it mean?
Everything arises from natural properties and cause, everything supernatural or spiritual is discarded.
This is very important has it is the cornerstone of most modern scientist today.
Now back to the big bang, here is a quick timeline:
1927 – Georges Lemaître proposes the theory of an expanding universe and suggests that the universe began as a single primordial atom.
1929 – Edwin Hubble observes that galaxies are moving away from Earth, suggesting that the universe is expanding. This leads to Hubble’s Law.
1940 – George Gamow and his collaborators, Ralph Alpher and Robert Herman, predict the existence of background radiation as a remnant of the early universe.
1964 – Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discover the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. This discovery is initially seen as a significant confirmation of the predictions made by Gamow’s team.
1965: The detailed analysis of the CMB is published, leading to increased acceptance of the Big Bang Theory, though with continued debates and refinements.

1990s: Further observations and measurements, such as the distribution of galaxies and the abundance of light elements, are made. These findings necessitate refinements in the Big Bang model, adjusting parameters to align with the observed data.
2001: The Boomerang and WMAP experiments provide more detailed measurements of the CMB. These data lead to adjustments in the Big Bang model.
2009: The Planck satellite yields even more precise measurements of the CMB. The Planck data leads to further refinements of the Big Bang model, particularly in the understanding of the universe’s early moments and its overall composition.
21st Century: Ongoing observations and studies, continue to provide data that lead to ongoing refinements and adjustments in the Big Bang Theory. These include understanding the role of dark matter, dark energy, and the rate of the universe’s expansion.
Did you catch up the trend?
The more they learn about the universe, the more they have to “refine” and “adjust” their model to work with new data.
Isn’t that strange? Considering how faulty models are usually discarded in science.
So why not here?
Are they truly looking for the truth, or just doing anything they can to make their theory work?
Let’s find out why.
Humanism, Atheism and the rise of Modern Science

Remember Naturalism?
Well, before that, people didn’t see science and supernatural belief as opposing forces.
No, no, not at all.
While some ancient philosophers like Aristotle believed in an eternal universe, the Western world largely started to adopt a more biblical viewpoint with the spread of Christianity.
People believed the Universe was relatively young, based on biblical chronologies instead.
We call this Creationism.
And other cultures around the globe also had a similar viewpoint based on their religious belief.
So, what happened?
Hello Renaissance and Enlightenment!

With it, some folks wanted the world to become more Humanistic.
A stance attaching more importance to human beings than a divine one.
How did it affect science?
Well, back in 1795, the “Theory of Earth” challenged the commonly accepted timeframe of the Earth, suggesting a more “gradual and ongoing” process.
Not long after, between 1830-1833, Charles Lyell published the “Principles of Geology”. The goal? “Free science from Moses,” in his own words.
20 years later, another Charles, called Darwin this time, released his “On the Origin of Species” in 1859.
Where he introduced his “Theory of evolution,” which would give an explanation for the diversity of life independent from Divine Intervention.

At first, these views were not particularly that popular.
But society changed, people started to move away from God and slowly but surely this new doctrine became engraved in society.
As you can see, they wanted to take God out of science. How did they do it?
The Big Bang theory, the age of the Earth theory, Evolution theory, all these theories works on the basis that TIME allows a gradual and natural process.
By swapping Him with TIME of course!
Remove TIME and they all go down the drain.
Now, if you look at modern scientific processes – God and Divine intervention are completely out of it.
Leaving men as the sole arbiter of morality and truth.
No wonder some of the very same scientist begin to claim that we got more than 72+ genders…
Now who should we trust?
God and his Word, or men?
Now, I know – That’s some pretty big claims we’ve been making.
You’re probably wondering if we’ve been straight up lying to your face, or if everything you’ve been told is a joke.
Don’t worry friend, we’ve got a second part coming for you.
In it, we will show you how Observation science completely debunk everything the World has been telling you about our origin and that of the Universe.
Ready for the truth?
- Seek more knowledge -
Are you ready to challenge your belief?
One religion, one government, One culture.
Who is behind this Satanic Agenda?
How did the World become so spiritual?
Join our covenant
And March Down With Us On the Battlefield
The World is about 13 billion years old, and our ancestors were basically tree-hugging, banana-eating primates.
Sounds legit, right?
Well, that’s pretty much the script they’ve been handing to us, neatly packaged, tied with a bow, and labeled as “The Truth” since we were kids.
But hang on, are we dealing with hard facts here, or a bunch of made-up theories backing up each other?
I mean… If this narrative was really as “bulletproof” as they want us to believe, why on earth do they need to revise our textbooks every 10 years or so?
Could it be possible that there’s something else out here – A perspective or model that:
Pretty crazy, right?
Especially when we see how hard the World is trying to hide it from us.
Now, before we deep dive into the rabbit hole, let’s step back and take a moment to understand how science truly works.
Observation vs Origin Science

As you’ve just read, we can split science into 2 categories.
Observation Science.
That’s the one you are most familiar with.
It involves gathering both qualitative and quantitative data, analyzing this data to formulate hypotheses, and then further observing to test these hypotheses.
In plain English, we observe stuff, gain knowledge from it, and test what we learn.
Sure, it has its limitations, like the inability to definitively establish cause-and-effect relationships or the potential for observational bias.
But without it, you wouldn’t be reading this on your screen or fly coast to coast.
Origin Science.
This one is tricky. Why, you ask?

Cause it’s basically “guess work”. Here’s why.
Origin science is all about understanding the origins and history of the universe, Earth, life, and natural phenomena.
The problem?
You can’t observe the past… Sure we can dig up a few fossils or rocks here and there.
But we can’t really know what really happened, so we have to make speculations and come up with “theories”.
So, what about the Big Bang and Evolution theories?
Yup, you’re 100% right, it’s origin science.
But are they any other theories? And if yes, why is it not being taught to us?
Let’s see what the world wants us to believe before we lift up that veil.
What does the World Tell us

Here is a quick summary of what they want us to believe:
Big Bang theory
The universe began as an extremely hot and dense point approximately 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.
This is the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe today.
Age of the Solar System
Based on radiometric dating of meteorites, as well as rocks from Earth and the Moon, the Solar System is estimated to be about 4.6 billion years old.
Age of the Earth
Using the same method mentioned above, the Earth is estimated to be about 4.54 billion years old.
You’ve probably already guessed that all of this is based on origin science.

The Big Bang and the formation of the Earth cannot be directly observed or experimentally reproduced.
Instead, techniques like radiometric dating and the study of cosmic radiation are used (we will how reliable they are later on)
Why is this so important for them?
Simple, they built their entire framework (model) upon it.
Look, the Big Bang theory is basically the foundation that support theories of biological, geological, and cosmological evolution due to its foundational role in explaining the origin and development of the universe.
In short, remove the model and you can basically throw everything they teach us about evolution out of the window.
But when did they come up with it?
What was their goal?
And more importantly is there an alternative to it?
Big Bang Origin and Naturalism

Before we move on, we must understand that most modern scientist have a naturalistic approach to science
What does it mean?
Everything arises from natural properties and cause, everything supernatural or spiritual is discarded.
This is very important has it is the cornerstone of most modern scientist today.
Now back to the big bang, here is a quick timeline:
1927 – Georges Lemaître proposes the theory of an expanding universe and suggests that the universe began as a single primordial atom.
1929 – Edwin Hubble observes that galaxies are moving away from Earth, suggesting that the universe is expanding. This leads to Hubble’s Law.
1940 – George Gamow and his collaborators, Ralph Alpher and Robert Herman, predict the existence of background radiation as a remnant of the early universe.
1964 – Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discover the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. This discovery is initially seen as a significant confirmation of the predictions made by Gamow’s team.
1965: The detailed analysis of the CMB is published, leading to increased acceptance of the Big Bang Theory, though with continued debates and refinements.

1990s: Further observations and measurements, such as the distribution of galaxies and the abundance of light elements, are made. These findings necessitate refinements in the Big Bang model, adjusting parameters to align with the observed data.
2001: The Boomerang and WMAP experiments provide more detailed measurements of the CMB. These data lead to adjustments in the Big Bang model.
2009: The Planck satellite yields even more precise measurements of the CMB. The Planck data leads to further refinements of the Big Bang model, particularly in the understanding of the universe’s early moments and its overall composition.
21st Century: Ongoing observations and studies, continue to provide data that lead to ongoing refinements and adjustments in the Big Bang Theory. These include understanding the role of dark matter, dark energy, and the rate of the universe’s expansion.
Did you catch up the trend?
The more they learn about the universe, the more they have to “refine” and “adjust” their model to work with new data.
Isn’t that strange? Considering how faulty models are usually discarded in science.
So why not here?
Are they truly looking for the truth, or just doing anything they can to make their theory work?
Let’s find out why.
Humanism, Atheism and the rise of Modern Science

Remember Naturalism?
Well, before that, people didn’t see science and supernatural belief as opposing forces.
No, no, not at all.
While some ancient philosophers like Aristotle believed in an eternal universe, the Western world largely started to adopt a more biblical viewpoint with the spread of Christianity.
People believed the Universe was relatively young, based on biblical chronologies instead.
We call this Creationism.
And other cultures around the globe also had a similar viewpoint based on their religious belief.
So, what happened?

Hello Renaissance and Enlightenment!
With it, some folks wanted the world to become more Humanistic.
A stance attaching more importance to human beings than a divine one.
How did it affect science?
Well, back in 1795, the “Theory of Earth” challenged the commonly accepted timeframe of the Earth, suggesting a more “gradual and ongoing” process.
Not long after, between 1830-1833, Charles Lyell published the “Principles of Geology”. The goal? “Free science from Moses,” in his own words.
20 years later, another Charles, called Darwin this time, released his “On the Origin of Species” in 1859.
Where he introduced his “Theory of evolution,” which would give an explanation for the diversity of life independent from Divine Intervention.
At first, these views were not particularly that popular.

But society changed, people started to move away from God and slowly but surely this new doctrine became engraved in society.
As you can see, they wanted to take God out of science. How did they do it?
By swapping Him with TIME of course!
The Big Bang theory, he age of the Earth theory, Evolution theory, all these theories works on the basis that TIME allows a gradual and natural process.
Remove TIME and they all go down the drain.
Now, if you look at modern scientific processes – God and Divine intervention are completely out of it.
Leaving men as the sole arbiter of morality and truth.
No wonder some of the very same scientist begin to claim that we got more than 72+ genders…
Now who should we trust?
God and his Word, or men?
Now, I know – That’s some pretty big claims we’ve been making.
You’re probably wondering if we’ve been straight up lying to your face, or if everything you’ve been told is a joke.
Don’t worry friend, we’ve got a second part coming for you.
In it, we will show you how Observation science completely debunk everything the World has been telling you about our origin and that of the Universe.
Ready for the truth?
- Seek more knowledge -
Seek more knowledge

Are we talking about divine revelation? Or merely following the earthly desires of men?
Let’s rip off the veil and uncover what lies behind modern religions.
Are you ready to challenge your belief?

One religion, one government, One culture.
The Rulers of this World are clearly aiming to uniformize everything.
Are they doing what’s best for us? Or leading us to eternal damnation?

What is a woman? That’s today’s biggest mystery.
Not surprising when most folks gorge on anti-depressant, eat bugs and start identifying as lawnmowers…
How far as humanity fallen? And who is behind this satanic agenda?

Atheism is growing today.
While practices like Yoga, Reiki and Astrology are more popular than before.
But where did they come from?
And how did the World become so spiritual?
Join our covenant
And March Down With Us On the Battlefield